Sl.No. | Title | Name of Journal | Date of Publication | Volume No/Issue No/Page No | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Financial stress, financial literacy, and financial insecurity in India's informal sector during COVID-19 | Investment Management and Financial Innovations | 27-Jun-2022 | 19 / 2 / 285-294 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Additional information
2 | Financial stress, financial literacy, and financial insecurity in India's informal sector during COVID-19 | Investment Management and Financial Innovations | 24-Jun-2022 | 19 / 2 / 285-294 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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3 | Smartphone Usage, Social Media Engagement, and Academic Performance: Mediating Effect of Digital Learning | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | 22-Mar-2022 | / / - | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Sl.No. | Type of Program | Role | Name of Program | Title of Paper | Date | Organising Institution | Level |
1 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on Sustainable Finance and accountancy | Decoding Financial moves: An exploratory analysis of factors guiding micro-entrepreneurs personal investment choices | 29/02/2024 | Christ University | International |
2 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on emerging trends, challenges and opportunities in Global business, management and technology | Impact of Agri Business entities sustainability reporting on investor return | 08/06/2023 | VTU, Department of management Studies | International |
3 | Conference | Presenter | Globalizing Indian Thought | Relevance of Mouna a s an ascetic Practice: Insights from The Guru | 16/12/2021 | IIM Kozhikode | International |
4 | Conference | Participant | International conference on evolutionary computing and mobile sustainable networks | 28/09/2021 | RV Institute of Technology and management | International | |
5 | Seminar | Participant | Innovative techniques for Teaching pedagogy and Impactful Research | 27/05/2021 | AICTE ATAL Academy | National | |
6 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference on "Business Dynamics and Sustainable development" | The study of Impact of Demonetization and GST on the aviation Industry in India | 02/03/2020 | St Josephs College | International |
7 | Conference | Presenter | International Confeernce on " Harmonising People, PLanet and Profit sustainable strategies and Ethical considerations in the 21st century" | Sustainability reporting of Banking sector as a means to achieve United Nations sustainable Development goals | 20/01/2020 | Christ University | International |
8 | Conference | Presenter | Transformational strategies of Business Sustainability | The Act of Balancing Economic profit, Environment protection and social equity: forces propelling and withholding | 04/10/2019 | Christ University | International |
9 | Conference | Presenter | National Conference on"The Chances,Concerns and Challenges in Commerce" | The Impact on Film releases on the stock returns of Hollywood studios and an empirical analysis of the factors affecting a films performance | 27/02/2019 | St.Joseph's College | National |
10 | Conference | Presenter | National Conference on"The Chances,Concerns and Challenges in Commerce" | Efficient Management of working capital:A study of Automobile industry in India | 27/02/2019 | St.Josephs | National |
11 | Conference | Presenter | UGC sponsored One day National level IQAC conference | Does Institutional pursuit of quality affect academic freedom? | 24/08/2018 | UGC sponsored held at St.Josephs college of Commerce | National |
12 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on Global convergence of New age Business Practices and Strategies | Structural factors affecting Bank Profitability | 01/03/2018 | Christ University | International |
13 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on Global convergence of New age Business Practices and Strategies | Impact of acquisitions on the Financial performance of acquiring companies | 01/03/2018 | Christ University | International |
14 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on Global convergence of New age Business Practices and Strategies | Credit risk Management and performance of public and private sector Banks in India | 01/03/2018 | MOunt Carmel colllege, Binary University, malaysia and International Skill development corporation and Tata Consultancy services | International |
15 | Conference | Presenter | Students Conference on Emerging Trends in Business | Analysis of Exports and Imports to India from UK and EU: Pre and Post Brexit | 22/02/2018 | Christ University | Institutional |
16 | Conference | Presenter | Students Conference on Emerging Trends in Business | Business Growth and Financial Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), | 22/02/2018 | Christ University | Institutional |
17 | Conference | Presenter | Students Conference on Emerging Trends in Business | A Study on the relationship between FDI and Export in Indian Pharmaceutical sector Pre and Post make in India initiative | 22/02/2018 | Christ University | Institutional |
18 | Conference | Presenter | Students Conference on Emerging Trends in Business | Valuation of pre-and-post merger financial performance of Kotak Mahindra Bank and ING Vysya Bank | 22/02/2018 | Christ University | Institutional |
19 | Conference | Presenter | National Conference on Emerging Trends in Business | The effects of disclosure policies on the performance of companies in energy sector | 19/02/2018 | Christ University | National |
20 | Conference | Presenter | National Conference on Emerging Trend in Business 2018 | Volume in open market of Bank Nifty and Price discovery in Bank Nifty index | 19/02/2018 | Christ University | National |
21 | Conference | Presenter | National Conference on Emerging Trends in Business 2018 | Relationship between dividend policy and share price volatility: Evidence from Indian pharmaceutical companies | 19/02/2018 | Christ University | National |
22 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference on International Marketing in Asia Pacific Issues and challenges | An empirical study on cost of equity models. | 10/11/2017 | GRD Institute of management. | International |
23 | Conference | Presenter | National Conference on Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Business Management Practices (NCBMP) | Applicability of Cost of Equity Models in Indian Scenario | 12/04/2017 | Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore. | National |
24 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Business ICETB 2017 | Impact of disclosure Scores and its determinants: with special reference to Pharmaceutical companies | 16/02/2017 | Christ University | International |
25 | Conference | Presenter | ICETB-2017 | A study on the difference in inflation estimation between HNI's and the Massses. | 16/02/2017 | Christ University | International |
26 | Participant | National Conference on Trends in business | - | Dept of Management Studies, Christ University | National |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of Student | Institution | Month Year |
1 | The Other Side of the Coin- Digital Coin. I am interested to understand the future of the digital currencies. | RUDRESH S | Christ University | July 2021 |
Sl.No. | Name of the Research Project | Investigator(s) | Sponsors | Internal/External |
1 | Development of Roasted Peanut Vending Device and Implementing the Pilot Business Model at Three Locations Engaging Peanut Vendors and Development of Devices for Processing and Rolling Innovated (patented) Biodegradable Straws from Coconut Leaves and Setting up Pilot Production Unit Employing Women in Tirupur, Calicut and Madurai | SAJI VARGHESE, SUSHANTH G,CHANDRA MUKHERJEE,ANURADHA R,NIRANJANA S J,RAMESH CHANDRA BABU T,ARUL PRABAHARAN GASPAR,AVINASH BABU | Internal | |
2 | Impact of Smartphone and Social Media Usage on the Academic Performance of Higher Education Students in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Telengana | RAVIKUMAR T, SRIRAM M,ANURADHA R,SHRUTI SRINIVASAN | External |
Sl.No. | Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme | Name of Oraganiser | Level | Date |
1 | NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitisation programme | UGC Malaviya Mission teacher Training program | National | 01/02/2024 |
2 | FDP on Qualitative Research | Jain (Deemed to Be University) | National | 06/03/2023 |
3 | FDP on Design Thinking | CHRIST HRDC in association with Binghamtom University | International | 12/12/2022 |
4 | 5 day faculty Development program | CHRIST University Staff Development college | Institutional | 05/12/2022 |
5 | Innovative Techniques for Teaching pedagogy and Impactful Research | AICTE ATAL Academy | National | 27/05/2021 |
6 | Developing skills on Case writing and Case-based research | Ramaiah Institute of Management | National | 25/03/2021 |
7 | Webinar presented by NAAC experts on Quality research and its outputs and paradigm shift in teaching Pedagogy | Jain Deemed to be University | 19/06/2020 | |
8 | Introduction to Corporate Finance | Wharton University of Pennsylvania | International | 05/05/2020 |
9 | Financial acumen for Non Financial Managers | PennMed Wharton | International | 04/05/2020 |
10 | Introduction to Spreadsheets and Models | Wharton, University of Pennsylvania | International | 25/04/2020 |
11 | Specialization of Finance and Quantitative Modeling for Analysts | Wharton, University of Pennsylvania | International | 18/04/2020 |
12 | Fundamentals of Quantitative Modeling | Wharton University of Pennsylvania | International | 18/04/2020 |
13 | Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination | West Virginia University | International | 12/04/2020 |
14 | Basic of Technical Analysis | PU Educational Service | National | 10/04/2020 |
15 | FDP on Financial odelling and Equity valuation | CHRIST (deemed to be University) and PU Educational service | Institutional | 13/01/2020 |
16 | Two day faculty internship program by Business Line research beureau | The Hindu Business Line | National | 06/01/2020 |
17 | Developing Academic Ecosystem: Pedagogic practices and Research culture | CHRIST (Deemed to be Unversity) | 20/05/2019 | |
18 | Case study Analysis workshop | Global University and Academic Center of Excellence, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants | International | 15/10/2018 |
19 | FDP on Digitalization in Accounting and Taxation | Jain school of Commerce Studies | National | 06/09/2018 |
20 | QIP on 21st Century Professional Development Program for Today?s Management Teachers | Christ University Academic staff college | 19/05/2018 | |
21 | QIP on 21st Century Professional Development Program for Today?s Management Teachers presented on GST awareness | Christ University Academic Staff college | 19/05/2018 | |
22 | Faculty Development Programme on Goods and Service Tax (GST) | Department of Commerce, CHRIST(Deemed to be University) | National | 23/02/2018 |
23 | Faculty Professional Development Programme | Deanery of Commerce and Management studies | Institutional | 09/02/2018 |
24 | Two day workshop on case study teaching and writing | VIT University, Vellore | National | 27/10/2017 |
25 | iItensive Faculty Development workshop on Case Teaching, Writing and Publication | Christ University | Institutional | 11/10/2017 |
26 | Effective Teachinh -Learning methodologies in Accounting and Finance | Department of Professional Studies, Christ University | National | 06/09/2017 |
27 | Teaching learning and Evaluation | CU Academic Staff college | 22/05/2017 | |
28 | Applied Econometrics for Business and Finance | XIME | National | 21/10/2016 |
29 | Research publication, writing paper and project proposals | Department Of Management Studies | 23/09/2016 | |
30 | Research writing | Department of Management Studies | 24/05/2016 | |
31 | Summer workshop on E -Views | CART, Christ University | National | 18/04/2016 |
Sl.No. | Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others | Description | Organisation | Month/ Year |
1 | Appointment as examiner for MBA Taxation paper, New Horizon college, Bangalore | Paper setter for Taxation subject End semester DEc2017 for New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore. | New Horizon College of Engineering, Naer Marathhalli, Bangalore. | 26 September 2017 |
2 | Best paper award in International Conference of IIM K | Best paper presented in the track of "Indian Cinema" in 2nd International conclave on "Globalizing Indian thought", International conference conducted by IIM Kozhikode | IIM KOzhikode | 17 December 2021 |
3 | Certificate of appreciation by South Western Railways | Certificate of appreciation by South Western Railways on creating awareness among railway passengers on cleanliness, drive conducted at Bangalore cantonment and SMVB railway stations. | South Western Railway, Bengaluru Division | 01 October 2022 |
4 | Organizing capacity building workshop for women police | resource person for financial literacy session in one day capacity building program for women police of Sout East Division of women police, Bangaluru city police. | Bangalore city police, Karnataka. | 14 March 2023 |
5 | Participated in Swach Pakwada South western Railways | Particpated by organising Falsh mob towards spreading awareness of cleanliness in railway stations as part of Swach Pakhwada during Gandhi jayanthi celebrations | South western Railways | 30 September 2023 |
6 | The IGEN Green day Ambassador | On the occasion of the IGEN GREENDAY 2024, you are promoted as IGEN Ambassador for successfully mentoring and inspiring more than 50 students to #pledge4green during 22nd to 29 Oct, 2024. We appreciate you being the catalyst for change by encouraging students to take green action. | The Institute of Green Engineers IGEN, IGEN/GD/NOV24 | 06 November 2024 |
7 | Financial Literacy session for safai karmachari of South western Railways | Financial Literacy session for safai karmachari of South western Railways on the occasion of swachatha pakhwada in KSR Railway station | South Western railways, Bangalore Division | 25 September 2024 |
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